Restricted View Seats at Ronnie Scott’s

On Friday I turned 27 and in lieu of Pitbull tickets, I decided to celebrate my birthday by watching the Alfredo Rodriguez Trio at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club. Despite booking this almost 2-months ago, the only remaining tickets available were restricted view seats for the earlier 18:30 show. At the time of booking, I couldn’t find any information online about just how restricted the view would be and so I thought I’d plug that gap and provide some info.

As seating is assigned on the day by the Maître D’ within the seating category you have chosen and not pre-allocated, I highly recommend you arrive at Ronnie Scott’s for when the doors open which is usually 1-hour prior to the start of the show. I rocked up at 17:24 thinking I was doing great and proceeded to join an established queue of 50 people ahead of me. The queue did move quite fast but, just a heads up.

I think we had seats 20 & 21 and the pictures below show the view from where we were sat. As you’ll see, there’s a pillar in front of the stage, but once the performance began, the trio were assembled in such a way that we still had a perfect view of all three of them. The performance was completely magical and I feel so lucky that I got to be there!

For my next visit to Ronnie Scott’s, I’m going to aim to get tickets for the later 20:30 show, as I overheard a very cultured lady behind me say that when this main show is over, they let you stay on free of charge in your seats to see the rest of the jazz artists who are playing that evening- performances which go on until 3am.

This was truly one of the best birthdays I have ever had and if you get the opportunity to see the Alfredo Rodriguez Trio live you should definitely take it.

PSA: the upstairs of the bar is closed until August 2025 as it’s being refurbished.


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